I know, weird, but it's what I do. Just working hard on something like that is fun, and I always have a sense of accomplishment when I finish and look at the huge ass thing I created. Unfortunately, as much as I feel like digging, digging through something other than sand is just a pain to me. =/ Nothing to dig.... Anyone else just have a strange thing that they like to do? My friend likes to climb things. Hm.. Strangely symbolic. (Of what, idk) I go down, he goes up. Sorta puts me in a bad light though. Anywho, I need to stop rambling and just finish this post.
Conclusion: I feel like crap, and want to dig, but can't because it's 1:25 am, and even if it wasn't, there's nothing to dig. =/ =/ =/ =/ =/
P.S. To biblio: this is my favorite ecchi pic I have. Don't judge it too harshly.
Since I'm still bored, I will explain why this is my favorite ecchi pic. I will break it down into reasons.
1. her hair is green, my favorite color.
2. Yes, it is ecchi, but they don't necessarily have just a close up of a vagina. (I have STANDARDS, people!)
3. They actually put detail into the background, which is usually rare, because they usually just have nothing there, and kinda say, "Look, BREASTS!"
4. Boobs are not overly huge. (Some pictures are just ridiculous. When ya think about it, a DDDDDD would just be painful...)
5. Very nice use of shadows.
And there are my reasons. Hope you are so happy you know now.