And they are irritating. My left side feels fine, but my right bottom won't stop bleeding. That's probably due to the fact that that particular tooth was completely sideways. Eh, whatever. I have stocked up on jello, soup, and ice cream, and shall be pretty miserable for the next 2 days. =P
well that sucks
my mom had 1 wisom tooth and my dad had 3...oddly enough i did not end up with 2 but rather 0
so all in all i'm pretty happy
also the boob on the left looks at least a cup size bigger than the one on the right
and her bellybutton is a triangle
I actually thought the same thing when I saw it, but assumed it was perspective. Didn't notice the triangle bellybutton. And I got 4 removed. I win. (Or lose, depending on how you look at it)