Ah, but it was just a warning ticket, no fine involved. And it was a boating ticket.
I was out jet skiing with a friend from NJ (Who, incidentally, I like, but am unfortunately awfully timid about letting her know that.) and we were trailing behind a fairly large boat, jumping its wake. I jumped it a few times and looked over, and a police boat was waving me over. I put-put-putted over and the exchange went something like this:
Me: I assume you guys would like to see my boating license?
Cop: Yes, sir.
*I float up beside them and hand over my boating license*
Cop: How old are you, son?
Me: 17.
Cop: Alright, do you know why I pulled you over?
Me: Was I following too close?
Cop: No, you were fine, but you were weaving back and forth behind that boat, and that falls under the category of reckless driving.
Me: Hm. I didn't know that... I thought that was all fair game as long as you kept your distance.
Cop: Well, it's not. Can I see your required fire extinguisher and whistle?
Me: (Thinking: Well shit. I know I have my FE, but not a whistle) Sure, here's the fire extinguisher.
*As I hand it over, the top it falls off into the water* (I scoop it up, no littering for me!)
Me: Well, that's probably not a good sign...
Cop: Indeed not. This is not a working fire extinguisher. Do you have a whistle?
Me: No........ =(
So he writes me off a ticket, and I head on home. My friend from NJ laughed at me, (Not in the mean way, just to say.) cause it was actually a funny experience. =P
As I got home and showed it to my dad, he was cool with it, but said the cop guy was just talking out of his ass, and "excessive weaving" was not exactly reckless driving, as reckless driving was a very subjective thing.
And that's my story for today. Hope you don't mind my wall of text.
And since this story is boating related, I will show you the picture of my dad's diving knife that he keeps in the jetski. It's rusted, but looks badass as hell. >:D
Hey, how's mitch doing?